Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Pre-Reflection Proposal

Pre-Reflection Proposal

Q DIRECTIONS: For this assignment, you should reflect upon what you've learned about your writing and yourself as you've worked through the material leading up to our first writing project unit. Be sure to give examples and to assess/analyze the examples that you give in order to demonstrate the skill of metacognition (i.e. thinking about your thinking). You may pull from your notes, reading logs, class discussions, or anything else you think has contributed to preparing you for your first paper. This is an opportunity to self-assess--to get a sense of what you're feeling confident or worried about leading into the first paper. There will be a post-reflection after the first paper. The hope is that you will be able to compare the pre and post-reflections and see how you've grown. Your reflection should meet the following minimum criteria: • o ? ? 500-700 words ? Be composed in multiple paragraphs (at least 3 paragraphs) ? Use proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization Your reflection must answer the following questions: 1. 1. 1. 1. What are you most confident about as you head into your P1 final draft? Why? (For example, this could be your topic idea/project, your understanding of ethos, pathos, and logos, or your ability to create a compelling and persuasive proposal) 2. What are you most uncomfortable with heading into your P1 final draft? Why? (For example, are there rhetorical concepts or vocabulary you don't feel you completely understand? Are you uncertain about your topic or where your project may be headed? Basically, what are you worried about?) 3. What do you need to do to prepare to write this paper? How will you ensure you're successful? 4. What do you want your major takeaways from this project unit to be? Explain. (What do you hope to improve upon in the process of constructing your proposal? What are you hoping to learn in the writing process?) Things to consider as you write: Your writing here will be graded based on your ability to demonstrate clarity, relevance, analysis, interconnections, and self-criticism in your reflection. • CLARITY: be sure to make clear what aspects of yourself and your writing/thinking skills you are assessing, and why you are choosing to assess these particular skills. • RELEVANCE: be sure that your reflection answers the assigned questions and that the examples you provide are relevant to the questions being asked. • ANALYSIS: be sure that your analysis moves beyond summary and that your "thinking about your thinking" demonstrates an awareness of how your understanding of self, others, and/or course concepts have progressed, regressed, or plateaued during this project unit. • INTERCONNECTIONS: be sure to make connections in your reflection; your self-assessment should connect experiences and/or material from other courses, life experiences, or personal goals to the material we have covered during this project unit. What are these connections and why do they matter to you? • SELF-CRITICISM: be sure to reflect upon your own biases, stereotypes, preconceptions, and/or assumptions that you have become aware of during the course of this unit. Now that you recognize these aspects of your intellectual development, how will you begin to "work" on these elements of yourself? Minimum required word count: 500 words Please be sure to include a word count in parenthesis at the end of your post; for example: (682 words). PreviousNext

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A proposal is an essential document that cultivates the initial impression of a project to be implemented. It outlines the research project's plans, gives extensive information about the research's intention, how to manage it, and the expected results from it. This distinguishes proposal writing from other writing methods. In this premise, this paper asserts a pre-proposal reflection to give details on my current writing position leading towards our first project writing. As I head into my first P1 final draft, I’m confident about my ability to establish a robust prewriting process. At the core of this process is coming up with a topic that best suits my target audience. To be sure, the purpose of the relevant topic is to serve as the maxim upon which content will revolve around.